Public Justice’s 2014 Trial Lawyer Of The Year Award Awarded To Vince Parrett
On July 27, 2014, Vince Parrett, along with other members of the trial team, received Public Justice’s 2014 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award for his contribution to the public interest in representing ten California cities and counties who successfully fought to have lead-paint manufacturers pay to remove lead paint—which poses a risk of irreversible brain damage in children—from homes throughout California. On January 7, 2014, this trial team won a verdict by the Honorable James P. Kleinberg of the Santa Clara County Superior Court holding three major lead paint manufacturers liable for creating a public nuisance by promoting and selling lead paint for use in homes despite knowing that lead paint was toxic. Those defendants were ordered by Judge Kleinberg to pay $1.15 Billion into an abatement fund administered by the State of California’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch for inspections and lead removal in thousands of homes, which will protect the health and safety of children throughout California.
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